Gaza cleansing? - Ξεκινάει επιχείρηση εκκαθάρισης της Γάζας;
Ξεκινάει επιχείρηση εκκαθάρισης της Γάζας; Ο #Τραμπ δήλωσε το Σάββατο ότι θα ήθελε η #Ιορδανία, η #Αίγυπτος και άλλα αραβικά έθνη να αυξήσουν τον αριθμό των #Παλαιστινίων προσφύγων που δέχονται από τη Λωρίδα της #Γάζας — ενδεχομένως για να μετακινηθεί αρκετός πληθυσμός ώστε να «καθαρίσει» η περιοχή που έχει καταστραφεί από τον πόλεμο για να δημιουργηθεί μια εικονική καθαρή ζώνη. Κατά τη διάρκεια μιας 20λεπτης συνεδρίασης ερωτήσεων-απαντήσεων με δημοσιογράφους στο Air Force One το Σάββατο, ο ...
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Everest madness
The Everest climbing season has just begun and there are already several deaths. The overcrowding of recent years is becoming highly dangerous. This overcrowding is preventing those who have reached the summit from descending. Climbers share the same route up and down. A high volume of climbers can create bottlenecks, especially in the death zone where thin air & extreme cold already make climbing dangerous. Getting stuck in a bottleneck increases the risk of altitude sickness, exhaust...
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No War But Class War: Against State Nationalism And Inter-Imperialist War In Ukraine
A critical opinion piece about the unfolding conflict in the Ukraine. Written in 1915, when the Polish-born, Jewish revolutionary was imprisoned for her anti-war agitation, Rosa Luxemburg’s Junius Pamphlet, or The Crisis of Social Democracy, is one of the most powerful indictments of World War I and the bourgeois society that produced it ever published. Over 100 years since her assassination by the German Freikorps in 1919, Luxemburg’s words against war seem eerily appropriate today. She cond...
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There aren’t enough trees in the world to offset society’s carbon emissions – and there never will be
One morning in 2009, I sat on a creaky bus winding its way up a mountainside in central Costa Rica, light-headed from diesel fumes as I clutched my many suitcases. They contained thousands of test tubes and sample vials, a toothbrush, a waterproof notebook and two changes of clothes. I was on my way to La Selva Biological Station, where I was to spend several months studying the wet, lowland rainforest’s response to increasingly common droughts. On either side of the narrow highway, trees bled ...
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